A Unifying Vision for
Kentucky’s Future


Kiana firmly believes that protecting Kentucky families and communities starts with creating opportunities for all Kentuckians to access quality and affordable healthcare. Expanding and investing in a strong healthcare infrastructure is a cornerstone of a thriving district in Kentucky. Kiana supports investing in mental health services, helping individuals and families impacted by substance disorders, strengthening child and maternal health services, and addressing health disparities within the Commonwealth. 


Kiana is dedicated to strategically investing in community resources and structures that encourage growth and development across demographics and counties. Kiana aims to partner with local stakeholders to support and expand the incredible work across the district to address the current and future needs within the community to help create a safer and healthier Kentucky.

Kiana understands that creating opportunities begins with preserving our democracy and increasing transparency. It is our collective duty to safeguard our shared values, freedoms, and decision-making power for our families. 

Promoting Economic Growth and Prosperity

Kiana is committed to promoting economic growth and prosperity through a multifaceted approach. She will advocate to protect Kentucky workers, from fighting for fair wages to protecting child labor and workers’ rights. She will work to expand infrastructure projects to create jobs and improve connectivity while planning for future weather events. 

A strong economy is built on small businesses, attracting new industries, and supporting the KY agricultural community. With a background in HR and Organizational Development, she understands the importance of workforce development programs to ensure that Kentuckians have the skills and training needed to thrive in a changing job market. 

Prioritizing Funding and Resources for Our Public Schools

As an educator, Kiana understands the importance of funding and resources for public schools from pre-K to college age. She will collaborate with teachers, parents, students, and school districts to identify key pressure points to create policies that ensure each child receives a quality education while creating an education system that meets our communities' current and future needs.